There are some people who are terrified to have surgery and will often do anything to avoid having any surgical procedure. This could be a simple as a tooth extraction (which does count as a type of surgery, since there is a cutting of flesh, and blood involved) or as complicated as elective heart surgery. Yes there are people who decide to have certain surgical procedures done but these are usually on the advice of a doctor or consultant. 

The whole idea of going to a hospital scares some people that they will even avoid going to a clinic or medical centre, and instead rely on natural remedies and alternative practices. These all have their place in the scheme of things and are very useful for some illnesses and ailments. However there are times when the only solution to a problem is to have surgery and at this point the patient has to try and overcome their fears.

For some people the fear stems from a bad experience in their earlier life, either involving surgery, hospitals or doctors, but for some people it can be a fear of never waking up from an anaesthetic. There are also those people who are so afraid of catching germs that they do not visit hospitals at all. All of these reasons are valid and even irrational fears seem valid to the person facing them. We should not judge people and ridicule them due to their fears and insecurities.

On the other hand there are those people who have no objection to having a surgical procedure done. Among these are those women who prefer to go for an elective caesarean operation instead of having a normal birth. Then there are those people who suffer from Munchhausen’s Syndrome where they enjoy the attention that they receive while they are in the hospital, or the attention of the doctors and nurses in the clinics.

There is another group of people who have no objections to going under the knife, and these are those who decide that they wish to undergo cosmetic surgery. This could be due to the way feel about their appearance because of various reasons, such as being overweight or having a certain feature that they wish to change. These people often feel insecure about themselves and they believe that they will fell better if they change their appearance.

For some people, it could be the ravages of time which are causing them to consider having cosmetic surgery done. In these cases a lot of people will have a full or a partial breast augmentation. This will make them look attractive and younger and this in turn will give them a renewed confidence in them selves. For still others, the problem could be that they have lost a lot of weight and have excess fold of skin which are unsightly. In this case they will want a skin tightening treatments such as a tummy tuck. All of these procedures involve some surgery.

Here we are again, another birthday and another day to reflect upon my life. I have to admit that I am one of those people who still enjoy celebrating my birthday and last year I even threw myself a party. There are those who say that once the children come along, there is no need to celebrate your own birthday but I disagree. I believe that there is an even greater need to enjoy the day because you spend the whole year doing everything for others that it is nice to have one day when you can be as selfish as you wish to.

On the whole I am content with my lot in life, even happy with a lot of things. Like everybody else, there are things which I am not happy about, but I have a lot to be thankful for and on this day I will be counting my blessings. The first thing that I have to say is that I have a loving partner, beautiful children and a supportive family. These are enough to be thankful for but I have to add that I also enjoy good health and a good standard of living as well as being respected. There are always things which you can find to complain about, but I have realised that you should not moan about things which you cannot change, and never complain about things which you can change but do not.

The only thing that I have decided today is that I am going to start a routine which will enable me to lose weight and tone up before my next birthday. I know that this sounds familiar and I will own up to the fact that I have tried to do this before, but this time I have been given an added incentive. Somebody I love very much told me that even if I did not lose weight for myself, I should do it because there are so many illnesses attached to being over weight and that she did not want to lose me just yet.

So I am determined to lose the excess weight in order to improve my health and appearance and I know that it will not be easy. There are many slimming treatments around but the best way to do it is through sensible eating and exercise. It is really quite simple, you need to use more calories than you consume and the weight will start to fall off as long as you continue.

However these days there are alternative methods to losing weight and a lot of people are turning to anti aging treatment and cosmetic surgery when they find that conventional methods are not enough. Some of these include liposuction, which means having the fat sucked out of you by machines and then there are the other procedures such as skin tightening where excess folds of skin are removed and the body is shaped to look sleeker and firmer.

The first time I heard this phrase, I did not have a clue as to what it meant. It was used in reference to a teacher at my high school and it was only later that I understood the negative connotations attached to the phrase. It is used to describe any woman who is deemed to be inappropriately dressed for her age, and who is trying unsuccessfully to appear younger than she is. It is not a very nice thing to say about somebody but some women do seem to invite derision with the way that they portray themselves.

There are some people who will disagree with me and say that a woman should be able to wear whatever she wishes to without being ridiculed. They will say that dress and make up are a matter of personal choice and that it is nobody’s business how a woman chooses to appear.

On the other hand, there are those people who will say that once a woman reaches or passes a certain age, she should alter her dress and make up style to fit in with her age. That she should wear clothing which is suitable for a woman of her age group and that her make up should be more subtle and discreet than that of a younger woman.

The same arguments are also applied when we are talking about behaviour and deportment, that a woman, and to some extent, a man too, should act according to their age and position in life. There was a book I saw a few years ago called something along the lines of “When I Am An Old Woman, I Shall Wear Purple”, and in it was a list of all the fun and interesting things which this lady was looking forward to doing in her old age.

These days there are a lot of pressures on men and women to try and look as young as possible, for as long as possible. We are not only talking about people in the public eye or in jobs such as modelling, but the average person on the street and holding down a normal job. Everybody likes to be told that they look good for their age, and we all like it when we tell someone our age and they say that we look younger than we are. In fact, thanks to modern cosmetic surgery procedures, people can look so much younger than their actual years.

Cosmetic surgery alone is not sufficient to be able to mask your age; you need to be aware of other factors such as genes and lifestyle. However, there are a few procedures which can be counted as a reliable anti aging treatment and these include things such as skin tighteningand special skincare treatment. All of these can help to make you look younger for a while but you need to be careful that you do not go overboard and have all the treatments done at once.

_ This may sound like a silly question because it seems that the whole world and its mother are constantly on a diet, and every person seems to believe that the one which they are using is the best one. The truth is that it is so easy to gain weight for almost everyone that when you come across someone who claims that they have trouble gaining weight, you tend to be a little sceptical.

When it comes down to the basics, weight is gained when you start to consume more calories than you are using. If you live an active lifestyle and manage to play some sports during the week, then the chances are that you will be able to consume some extra calories without gaining weight. If however, you are the type of person for whom the word “exercise” is akin to profanity, then it is likely that you will show all the extra calories which you consume.

My father has always found that he gains weight very quickly and has to be careful about the type of food that he eats. He is a stickler for getting exercise and makes sure that he fits in a couple of miles walking each day, as well as keeping active in the garden and home too. He gains weight each holiday season and in the winter the pounds will creep on. However we know that come springtime and warmer weather, he will lose the weight easily in just a couple of weeks.

On the other hand, my uncle who is the same age as my dad has never had a problem with gaining weight. I have seen the man eat three full solid meals for many years as well as the snacks at tea time and to keep guests company. Over the many years I have never seen the man gain any weight on his wiry frame and this has meant that he has never understood the way that we lesser mortals suffer at the hands of the monster known as dieting.

Losing weight is one of the hardest jobs in the world and one which many people spend all their life doing. There are different ways to go about losing weight and some of these are more modern than others. If you find that you are having trouble shedding the pounds using conventional slimming treatments, you may wish to go down the road of cosmetic surgery.

There are many different procedures which come under the heading of cosmetic surgery and they are all designed to make you feel better about yourself by looking younger and slimmer than you are at the moment. A lot of the procedures have been tried and tested and are now just considered routine operations with minimal recovery time and side effects. Procedures such as a tummy tuck or skin tightening is now offered as quick in and out lunch time jobs which can be fitted into a busy schedule.

When you are watching a movie and see the perfect bodies being displayed in front of you, it is easy to feel a sense of inferiority because everybody looks so lean, glowing and toned. Although we know that the Hollywood vision of the human body is not very realistic, the fact remains that there are some people who do have these perfect body shapes, tone and colouring which make us mere mortals green with envy.

We all want to look the best we can and for different people this means different things. For some people it is important to be a size zero and not have an ounce of surplus fat on them. For others, it is not so much the weight which concerns them as the way that they are toned and supple. For yet other people it is enough that they are in the average size bracket but as long they are fit and healthy. Then there are those who believe that life is too short to waste in worrying about weight and exercise, and that life is for enjoying everything, no matter what your body type.

When it comes to the issue of weight, it seems that no one is content with how much they weigh. For the majority of people losing weight is a major part of their life and agenda. There are a few lucky people who do not have to worry about gaining weight and there are even some people who actually wish to gain weight. The thing that many people do not realise is that there are so many extra issues which come along with weight loss and weight gain, if it is not done in the proper way.

 When your body goes through changes such as puberty, pregnancy or extreme weight fluctuations, there are many hormonal changes which affect not only your mental state, but also your physical state too. One of these effects is the appearance of stretch marks, or striae. These are caused by inflammations in the dermis and start off red or purplish to look at, and are slightly raised as well as being itchy. After some time they become white or silver in colour and not so prominent. While there are no sure fire ways to get rid of these stretch marks, there are creams and laser procedures which will make them fade.

Stretch mark treatment is a growing market and cosmetic surgery has come up with fractional laser therapy to deal with them. The best way to avoid getting these stretch marks is to take care of your body with the use of a controlled diet and exercise. They are most common on thighs, buttocks, abdomen and upper arms.

Skin loses elasticity as it gets older and this also leads to a loss of firmness, causing the skin to sag. This is why there are so many cosmetic procedures which deal with the appearance of skin, such as the tummy tuck and skin tightening.